Putney Labour Party The Labour Party in Putney, Roehampton, Southfields and Wandsworth Town
Join Us
If you’ve read this website, live in Putney, Roehampton or Southfields, and think you’d like to join our campaign to make Putney and Britain a better place for our children to grow up in, then we’d love to welcome you as a new Member.

And please don’t think joining the Party means we’ll be pestering you every weekend to go knocking-on people’s doors. Lots of Members do that, and they love it. You might too.
But lots of others support in different ways – writing websites like this one, attending meetings to plan campaigns and helping write or deliver leaflets. Other members still prefer to sit in the background. That’s fine too.
But the first step to doing any of this is joining us. We’re a very friendly and welcoming bunch. We hope you’ll consider doing so.